Caring for our lake, our drinking water, and each other.
The Lake*A*Syst program conveys stewardship of Big Payette Lake to its residents and property owners. The program is designed for homeowners, landscapers, contractors, road builders and others who might have a hand in affecting the quality of our lake. It builds on our first successful program from the 1990s and can be a blueprint for handing a healthy lake to generations who come after us.
If you have the joy of living or recreating in the Big Payette Lake watershed you also have a special opportunity and responsibility to prevent pollutants from entering streams, groundwater, and the lake. Payette Lake is the sole drinking water source for the city of McCall as well as for many homes around the lake. Currently, the water quality is acceptable, but in recent years increasing human activities around the lake have contributed to deteriorating water quality. Recent conditions have alerted us to the urgent need for protecting our lake and preserving its many uses. It’s time to take action.
Guidelines for taking action on your own property or as you are enjoying the lake have been created by the Lake Assessment System program (Lake*A*Syst) so that you too can be a steward of our lake. The program asks you to consider potential risks to water quality that could result from your activities. Lake*A*Syst is a five-part guide designed to assist property owners and the public in understanding what strategies we can use to protect and preserve water quality in the watershed. Lake*A*Syst can also help us build a better sense of community around our lake by sharing solutions, understanding good practices, and knowing who to call to answer questions or solve problems.
Preventing Contamination of Drinking Water
Lawn & Garden
Access Roads & Driveway Runoff
Landscape Practices & New Construction
Preventing Contamination From Stormwater Runoff
Resources Here
For Additional Information
Valley Soil and Water Conservation District
P.O. Box 580
Cascade 83611
Central District Health Department
703 N. 1st Street, McCall, 83638
Copies of material on Big Payette Lake water quality may be obtained for free at
Idaho Department of Lands
555 Deinhard Lane McCall
Sponsored by: Big Payette Lake Water Quality Council, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and the Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts